Saturday, January 31, 2015

"Where is my focal point?" This will determine the direction of your life

Whether it is Shinto, Buddism, ancestor worship.. or any other religions in the world, it is all merely a little window (a method) to bring your focus into a clear vision/idea to where you want to go in life.  

shrine or a temple is a place to find out what is really important to yourself through your spirituality. I believe all religion of the world is designed for that purpose and it has been the traditional method for the local area. The original purpose of a religion or a belief system was for the people to find out about the innate "great being (universe)." 

However, today, the focal point has changed. Instead of focusing on your most important Innate God (conscience) who resides inside your heart, many people seem to believe that the god outside of self, to worship another being, is the most important thing.  

If we continue to do this, even having faith to the god outside of self for 2000 years, nothing will change, It's because our focal point is not on the right focus. It is a wrong focus. 

During the ancient times, a Shinto shrine always had a mountain behind as a godly body. It means that we need to put our hands together to celebrate the great nature (mother earth) and to send our gratitude for its existence. We have been doing this as a sacred ritual for thousands of years. And through this daily action of facing mother earth, we start to naturally feel and understand that we ourselves are part of nature. 

Understanding that the ultimate way is to see a god inside your own heart is the fastest way to find the best focal point and find your direction in life. 

By doing so, you won't have to go through doing wrong deeds such as group (collective) action (behavior), wasting money and time, neglect your family. And you will have more potential to become one (kannagara) with the ultimate divine. 

Being in kannagara, one's life will change drastically. Everything will start to flow naturally. 

It is possible to be awakened to the truth about the Great Being inside of self through any religion. It can be Shinto, Buddhism, Muslim, Christian.. anything. However, you must understand that the ultimate god in that religion resides inside of self. Without that focal point, the religion is meaningless. 
Having said that, you don't really need a religion. As long as you believe or can feel that the god exist inside your heart, the gateway doesn't have to be a religion. It could be an occupation, an academic path, through sports, through raising a child or taking care of the elders. It could be anything. But you will need to be frightfully serious and commit/devote to that path and action as if you see one side of the ultimate god in the work. 

This means even through doing a business, you are able reach a certain enlightenment. It's possible to be awakened and become rich at the same time, becoming a successor in a true sense both in this physical world and in the other spiritual world. Through the work that you do, you will honor the Innate God within yourself as well as others. Express the divinity, the godliness through your life, your action and your aspiration. When you live your life in such way, you would look like you are glowing in other's eyes. 

The way to reveal god in this world is through your action and how you live your life. You must know that god will appear only through the action of human behavior within an ordinary life. One must not believe that god will descend from heaven appearing like an E.T.. When it really happens to you, it is not a real god. It could be an E.T. in disguise. Even the E.T.s were "born" from something. 

Bring out the god from within. It happens only through your actions in your daily life. That is what kannagara is, becoming one with god and live in oneness. 

生かして頂いて ありがとう御座位ます

Ikashite-itadaite Arigato-gozaimasu
 Thank you for letting us live

                                                                                                                                             original Japanese blog written 29-Jan-2015

Thursday, January 29, 2015

After we die, we will experience the opponent's feelings

Everyday, we are hearing news that are filled with heartaches.
When we hear about these terrible news, we wonder whether the bad guys would ever be captured, or would they receive adequate punishment? 
When we see some bad guys in the neighborhood just living carefree looking like nothing to worry about, we wonder if god really exist? 

In companies and schools, there are those who bully others and still enjoying life. There are so many unfair and unjust matters happening in this world.

But when I see or hear about these matters, I always remember about the time when I was born in my past lives and the time of death in each of those lives. 
Especially in the moment I died, the memories of my whole one lifetime of the followings came back to me in an instant.
* All the feelings I created on others.
* All the feelings the people around me experienced
* All the feelings when I switched body and took over their position.

In these last few seconds when these memories are coming back, my body that is about to die emanates a blue light from the inside. I 
even remember the last moment being wrapped around by this blue light. And inside my brian a candle light kind of light becomes big right before it burns off. 
For every lifetime, I remember these experiences. It happens in the same way. So in this lifetime, it will be the same. At the very last few seconds, I will experience and understand my opponents feelings.
When you know this, you might be able to feel at ease, because no one can get away from what they did. The bad guys will experience all the horror they did to others. The more bad deeds one has caused, the more he will suffer in the life after death. He will regret so much and will receive punishment by himself. The dimension of that sort still exists. But in that dimension, it's different from this physical dimension. There is no body and only images, thoughts and emotions exists. Therefore, one will experience it ten times more of what one did to others in the previous life.

And without exception, what we all think in the last few seconds before we die are:

* I should have done more to help others.
* I wanted to do more to make others happy.
* I should have been more grateful to my ancestors.
* I should have faced more seriously about the existence of god and send gratitude. 

You would regret about these things in these last few seconds.

The reason why I could work so hard without hardly any sleep is because I remember these memories from my past lives. 

When I think about those last few seconds before death, I feel like:

* I can do more.
* I want to do more for others.
* I want to help others in the best way I can.

I honestly feel like this. And I know at the end, I will be naked and have nothing with me to take to the life after-death but my thoughts and feelings.

So I want to say, follow your conscience and live joyfully.

The feelings you've created towards others will most definitely come back to you later. The things you did to others will also come back to you in another form. 

Live your short life to the fullest. 

生かして頂いて ありがとう御座位ます

Ikashite-itadaite Arigato-gozaimasu
 Thank you for letting us live

original Japanese blog written 28-Jan-2015