If you cannot be grateful to your current environment, you will never be able to go to the next step in your spiritual growth. You will keep repeating the some thing over and over again. Just making a circle. Why am I repeating the same mistake over and over again? Who is to be blamed? I am just an unlucky person.. some ghost is possessing me .. it’s the land.. it’s my karma.. I must have done something bad in my past life… I receive many comments like this on my blog.
And these people would go to
fortune tellers and money charging healers to pay a lot of money and time. But what is actually happening is their spiritual energy is sucked by these money-charging demons and if it becomes a habit your health will be disturbed.
So who is to be blamed? The perpetrator is actually you. Until you can accept the current environment and be in gratitude, your soul/spirit = true heart, will make you do the same mistake over and over again until you get sick of yourself and come to a realization.
Your soul/spirit is there with you wherever you go. You cannot fool him/her. If you are true to your heart, he/she will show you the next step. The path will naturally open up to you. That is the invariable law in this World of Reality.
When the path has open up for you, you might say “I am so lucky.” But in truth, you did it yourself. Your soul, your true heart, has been convinced and permitted to move to the next step.
In this World of Reality, the physical/material world, our ancestral spirits can interfere. If your soul is convinced, your ancestors will also become your support. Thus, in this physical world, it all depends on your good will, your true heart. Good luck, bad luck, health, life span… you have the key to everything.
No one and nothing is to be blamed. You can fix everything by yourself. Attaining wealth or loosing everything, could happen much faster than you think. Those who have the experience know what I mean.
Your true heart is the most reliable and powerful source you got.
But many people cannot see which one is the true heart. And that creates a problem. If you can see which is the true heart, you have nothing to worry about. Just focus on the now. The answer is always there. You don’t have to look for it or ask someone. It might be just bits and pieces and you cannot see the whole picture. But just focus on what you Can Do Now. And it will eventually take you to a better place. And as long as you stay alive, you will start to see the whole.
Ikashite-itadaite arigato-gozaimasu
Thank you for letting us live
I would like to spread the Gratitude Awareness towards ancestral spirits and everything around us so 5% of the world population will start acting on it on a daily basis.