Friday, April 16, 2010

The Secret of the Torii Archway

When you visit the Ise Jingu, there is a giant Torii archway at the entrance of the Sando path. There is another Torii archway in the middle of the Sando path and another right before the Honden main shrine.

You might wonder whether you should bow or not before entering the archway. And if you are bowing, where is the right position? In my understanding, one should bow before and after every archway. You might feel embarrassed to bow when other tourists are just passing through, but there is an important spiritual meaning to the act.

The explanation I am presenting here is entirely my personal opinion through my psychic reading. Please keep in mind that it has nothing to do with the commonly told tradition.

I have explained in the past that the concept of Torii archway derives from the idea seen in Judaism symbolically using the three pillars. However, the Japanese Torii only has two pillars. The secret key would be the third pillar which would be YOU, who is standing in front of the Torii.

Now I think you have the answer, whether to bow in front of the Torii or not. If you stand in middle of the Torii to make a perfect triangle, that would be the appropriate position to bow. After passing through, bow again at the third point of the triangle. So you would be bowing twice on each of the Torii. To be precise, at Gegū, stand slightly on the left side of the third point. And at Naigū, stand slightly on the right side as you bow. From there, you should be walking on the left side of the Sando path at Gegū and on the right side at Naigū.

The reason for this positioning is because the center of the Sando must be open for the Kami to pass through. When you walk consciously as you are walking on the Sando and in your daily life, it will help to bring good fortune accordingly to the Universal Law.  In front of the Honden main shrine, you will be bowing again in the same manner, not at the center but on the side. As you are walking back, bow again facing the Honden at each of the Torii (again twice each in front and back of the Torii).

One of our readers has made a visual graphics on the positioning. ( . This chain of movement can be seen in the Sephirot, one of the Jewish Kabbalah esoteric teachings. The functional structure is the same as I have explained in the way passing through the Torii archways.

The ten circles represent the ten levels (ranks) of the Divine World of the Sun. Each Torii you pass through, you get closer to Amaterasu-ohomikami.

According to my psychic reading, Moses and many other rabbis has visited Ise in the ancient times. They have much to do with the Emperor who had founded Ise Jingu. I am confident to say that when many rabbis of today from Israel come to visit Ise Jingu, world peace would come to realization.  

The entire world started from the three stone pillars at Haku-san.

Ikashite-itadaite arigato-gozaimasu
Thank you for letting us live

Monday, April 12, 2010

Shoulder aches

As long as you have a physical body, you need a certain amount of exercise.  If your circulation is not good, even a good medicine or supplement will not be consumed but just drain away. What you paid would simply be wasted.

A light depression or spirit possession could be cured or released by a good amount of exercise. By the understanding of Ko-Shinto, negative or evil energy (jaki) occurs from static energy (chi or ki) that becomes conagulated. In order to prevent a space to become conagulated and static, make sure the space (room) has enough circulation of air. And make sure the space is clean and tidy. The purpose of a Norito chant is also to move and cleanse the ki/chi of a place. It is important to change the atmosphere.

People who always have shoulder aches have a higher possibility to get caught by a spirit. Having a shoulder ache is a message that your circulation is not good. By doing enough exercise, your shoulder aches will be released and spiritually cleansed at the same time. Having a good flow of your blood stream is important.

In this world, everything should be flowing. A shrine where Kami reside, a limpid stream is requisite. A stream symbolizes the “flow.”

Since my work shift has been changed to the evenings, I no longer have the time to do my dashing up the hill exercise.  I’m also getting old, so this might be a good timing for me to change my way of exercising. These days, I work out at home before taking my daily evening bath. Taking a bath is the “flow” for me and the exercise comes with it as a set.

Here is my exercise menu:
1. Hindu style squat that works on the inner thigh.
As you come up from the squat position, you put both knees together very very slowly rise. I do this ten times. Your whole weight should be focused on the line between your big toes and the inner side of your heels.

2. I lie on the floor face up. Stretch my legs and put the big toes together and the heels apart, so it makes a perfect triangle. With my legs stretched and toes together, I lift up my legs about 15cm high. I wait as long as my abdominal muscle can handle and then go down. Repeat ten times.

3. Laying down, I put my knees up and do 10~20 sit-ups.
4. Then 10~20 slow push-ups.

I do this randomly for about 20 minutes. My waste is slimed and hips are tightened. I sit on a chair for a very long time during my work hours, but I don’t have any lower-back pain.

It’s important to breathe deeply and increase your heartbeat once a day. Make sure you don’t jump into the bathtub right after the exercise. It’s not good for your heart and blood vessel. Take a shower and wash yourself first.

So create your own menu for a daily light exercise. Don’t over do it. It will give stress to your body and you will age faster. Just do it in your own comfort zone.

Ikashite-itadaite arigato-gozaimasu
Thank you for letting us live