Saturday, September 17, 2011

Take it lightly

     Shinran(親鸞), a notable Japanese Buddhist monk once said, “A criminal act is an actual sin, but the sufferings from feeling guilty is often from too much thinking.” My interpretation for this is that if people’s heart are truly pure, we will not have this kind of problem to begin with. People learn from pain and sufferings. Only then we grow to become a true human being. Throw away the sense of guilt, and anguish in the right way in order to learn from the situation. This is how we become a real person. This is how I feel what Shinran was trying to say.

   Shinran has always looked at the actual suffering people, the weakness, the shame, the inevitable conditions… He gazed at the facts and tried to guide a path for these suffering people. In this modern society, there are still many who are in agony, suffering in life. You don’t have to feel bad about yourself. Don’t look down on yourself for being in agony. Those thoughts and emotions only occur when you are comparing yourself with others. That will lead you to an ominous place. When I look at the people who are suffering from depression, I see that these people are “observing others more than themselves.”  They compare with others and think pathetic of themselves, hurting their own heart. They are looking outside too much. The more you hurt yourself, the more your innate god (sun) will hide deeper and darken the mind. This is an obvious result.

   The ultimate truth in a higher understanding is that we are all on our own.  Including what we see in others, it is all part of self. Everything is a reflection of self. At the end, we will all melt into one pot.

The way to expand and grow is by

1. Not worrying about what others might be thinking. Don’t compare yourself with others.

2. Accept your situation in a positive manner. Step back from the situation and become the watcher.

These two are very important action for you to see the truth. Just to learn how to work on these two thoughts would create a better life. Don’t become too identified with the problem and take it easy. 

Ikashite-itadaite Arigato-gozaimasu

Thank you for letting us live