Words of Lao zi - Chapter 24 (my original interpretation)
Those who try to stand with theirs
heels up will not be able to stand for a long time. Those who walk with very
big steps will not be able to walk long distance. Others will not approve those
who try to self-justify everything. Others will not appreciate those who self-praise. People who brag about themselves do it
because they actually haven’t achieved much. No matter where they go and what they do, they
won’t last long. When I
talk about these unnecessary human behaviors, I call it “needless food” or
“excessive action.” Anyone would despise someone
like this. Those who live under
his/her good will would never behave in such manner.
Original words:
My thoughts: To sum it up,
it means that if you try too hard things won’t last long. Look at the big
picture. Know your own pace. This is the most efficient way to achieve your
purpose. For example, you studied excessively to enter a high level high school
oriented toward entering a high level university. You succeeded in entering the
high school. But you have a nervous breakdown for the high standard environment
and end up dropping out. If you hadn’t tried so hard and choose the second high
level school, you might have enjoyed life more and end up entering the
university you desired.
Did he/she choose this school to compare him/herself with
other classmates? Did he/she try to meet up with his/her parents’ expectation?
Was it really his/her wish to enter that school?
Another example. A woman marries a rich and handsome
man without true love. After the marriage, she is constantly worried about
whether he is cheating or not. The family of the husband gives her a hard time.
Is this true happiness? How
will she look like after thirty years?
Did she think rich=happiness? Did she find that concept in the society
looking at other people’s life?
These examples can be applied to many other situations
in life. Life is not a 100m race. It’s a marathon. Even if you had won the
first 100m, you still have the rest of the 30km run. If you retire early, you
will not able to reach the goal. Many of us worry when people are running
faster than you. You think you are left behind. But at the end, those who
maintained his/her own pace would reach the goal.
Lao zi’s original
words says,
If you try to stand out, no one will
pay attention to you.
If you impose an idea to others, you
will not be appreciated.
If you brag about yourself, you will
not be praised and nothing would last long.
We don’t want to eat when we are full.
Thus needless food and excessive action are unnecessary. Keep your own pace and
follow your own path.
One more note about “keeping your own pace.” When you come across some hardships or
things that you don’t like, don’t easily give up. If you give up easily, there
is no growth and your life will not change.
Lao zi says, keep a low profile, don’t worry about what
others are doing or thinking and stick to your own path. With your heels up or
with very big steps, your posture is strained. It happens because you are too
conscious about others. If you don’t compare
yourself with others, you will be walking in a natural posture. Life is not about being
better than others. It is a challenge to yourself in this short period of time. The traces you make
will create a path. And that path would lead you to the best possible future.
If you continue to walk your own path til the end, it becomes the most graceful
Lao zi was explaining about the type of person he despises the
most. He called that kind of
person “a thing”. He didn’t want to recognize such personality as a human
being. It seems that even 2500years ago and the civilization before that the
society was the same as today. Bragging, showing off, competition… people were
corrupted even in those days. When you really try to see yourself in your daily
life, you would not act in such poor behavior. Today’s lesson was about, seeing
yourself in own your life. Don’t compare yourself with others.
Ikashite-itadaite arigato-gozaimasu
Thank you for letting us live