Saturday, August 18, 2012

The cause, the beginning of everything

     The economy and finance of all countries are becoming questionable. When we look back into the history, what the nations did when they got stuck was to invade another country.  The people became angry and dissatisfied with the government. The governors who are afraid to loose their vote had tried to solve the problem by raising a battle against the neighbor country. But this pretext would usually end up loosing many of their pupils during the battle. So many lives have been lost in the history all over the world because of the cowardly decisions of the governors who only tries to protect their own position. When there is a problem within their own country, they use war to try and shift the nations attention elsewhere. They say it’s what’s best for the country and end up loosing many men and women killed by the war. We mustn’t forget that even Hitler was elected, chosen by the people of the nation. During the election campaign, he had claimed all the necessary strategies in order to change for a better nation. But the result was killing massive amount of people of his own nation. And even more people outside of his country. Are the people who voted for Hitler responsible for his action?  There is a fundamental error in the election system. Even when the governor makes a drastic change after the election we couldn’t do anything about it. Today, we still see these mistakes happening in many countries. It’s time for the people to wake up to this fact that the politicians are only using war for their benefit.

     Looking at the riots or disorders happening in Europe related to the Euro currency, it seems impossible for the hard working countries to keep on covering up for not so hard working countries. Each country has to be responsible for their own lives. When the nation can become self-sustainable, the nation would be able to raise the percentage of individual’s true satisfaction/rate of happiness.  If they continue to compete the economy statistics just for the sake of numbers on a peace of paper, they will always have to be dependent on other countries. As long as the country is dependent, the unfair laws of another country will always exploit them. It will cause instability and the families will be separated in need to work elsewhere. Spending one short life in one’s birthplace together with a family is a blessing. 
     It is ideal when each country can be independently support its own nation and interact with other countries through cultural exchange only. When the interaction is caused by politics or financial benefits, it will end up as a disadvantage. 

     This morning’s thoughts were about the serious international problem that will rise in early 2013 right after the new years. Everything that happens in this dimension also happens in another dimension. There is the world of yukai in between this 3rd dimension and the world of the dead. In the yukai world, exact same kind of human beings and civilization exists. But the details such as the names or the shapes of the countries are different. In the yukai world, there are many similar parallel worlds. The prophecies are often incorrect. It's not that it was incorrect, but it simply means that one man saw one of the parallel worlds, but in reality another parallel world was mirrored to this 3rd dimension.  Therefore the future is always a blank sheet of paper. We cannot predict which parallel world will be transferred at a certain time.

     The vision I saw about the international problem rising after the new years 
of 2013 is also one of the many dimensions. It’s still possible for a change. When more people are awakened to the sense of gratitude, the new years will come peacefully.  


     What I wanted to say today is that one little election, one little news by the media could cause a horrific end to humanity. There is always that tragic scenario also ready to be transferred from the other dimension. When each governors of each nation could sincerely think for the happiness of its own nation, world peace can be created. But when they compare and compete with others an unhappy ending can be created. We all posses the ability to be happy with what we have.


      This image of the sun was from August 5th. It shows a fissure in the shape of a big snake. The Old Testament talks about the black big snake appearing in front of Adam and Eve. Later we will be seeing a cross. When the big cross appears in the sun, a big shift in human consciousness will occur. And when a large solar flare bursts towards the Earth from this large cross, the beam will erase the idea of “comparing” and “invading” from all human minds. It will happen just like switching off the light within a second. This is one vision I saw from one parallel world. I hope this will happen. I will be observing in a clam manner. But we must continue to have thoughts of “ikashite-itadaite arigato gozaimasu, thank you for letting us live.”