Friday, June 19, 2009

We Can Save Our Planet

The Grand Purification from The Sun (wrote June 3rd,2009)

In the past, I wrote about the energy of the higher dimension transcribing to our World of Reality starting from June 2009.

As in relation to this matter, the sunspot has started to increase ( from June.

When the sunspot occurs, the electro-magnetic waves become stronger. Because of the decrease of the ozone layer, the amount of this electro-magnetic waves reaching to the ground of our planet becomes very strong. The other day, a beautiful rainbow color cloud was captured in Osaka. (see photo sent from our reader) This kind of phenomenon occurs when the electro-magnetic waves from the sun hits a cloud. When the sunspot continues to increase, we might even be able to witness an aurora in Japan.

The biggest problem is not the increase of the electro-magnetic waves that can be measured by today’s scientific technology. The biggest problem is the spiritual energy force that comes with the electro-magnetic waves. The last few days had been pretty strong. When you carry spiritual filth or dirt, it will be revealed. You might feel dull, headaches or dizziness. An unreasonable weak or poor physical condition starts to happen. And most of all, your heart may start to have a problem like what happened to the dinosaurs (use search engine for other pages on “dinosaur”).

In the past few days, I feel that many people have been feeling a difference in one’s heart. If you could check the data on patients at hospitals, I am sure you could find proof of it.

The electro-magnetic waves from the sun could also cause an earthquake. When the big earthquake hit China, the rainbow color cloud was also witnessed just before it happened.

I sense that when the electro-magnetic waves from the sun hits the underground water veins, a chemical reaction occurs to create a hydrogen explosion. The natural water veins are mobile so an explosion doesn’t occur. But where there is a huge dam, an artificial water tank that is connected to the underground water lines, this area might be a problem. The hydrogen explosion may create a diastrophism.

I would assume a military satellite could also create a strong enough electro-magnetic wave to cause this kind of natural disaster.

What we could do to protect ourselves from the spiritual energy waves from the sun are as followed:

1. Drink warm water as much as you can daily. (about 40℃) I drink about 2 to 5 L a day.

2. Take a small amount of natural salt daily with your meal.

3. Eat genmai (brown rice) and raw vegetable.

4. Send gratitude to your ancestors using three incenses. This will clear you filth and spiritual light can pass through without any pain and aches.

5. Maintain your own magnetic field to the original condition. (Don’t buy or pay anything to religious groups and healers.This will add filth to your original magnetic field .) It’s best to stand on you own.

This is the Ise-Hakusun-Do Way that I can suggest to you.

The power is in our human hands. We can make the natural disaster happen or not. It is up to us.

When 5% of the human population is awakened to the “sense of gratitude” towards the small daily matters, that energy will reach the Earth. And our planet will survive.

We all have small and large problems in our lives. It’s ok. Live through it. Our hearts are eternal.

We are only here to experience.

Ikashite-itadaite Arigato-gozaimasu

Thank you for letting us live

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