Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Caisson Disease

(written on July 16th)
This morning, the words caisson disease came into my mind. It is a disease caused by scuba diving in deep ocean. Describes a condition arising from dissolved gases coming out of solution into bubbles inside the body on depressurisation”. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decompression_sickness) 

Deep ocean in Japanese is Shinkai (深海) and 神界(the World of the Gods) is also Shinkai. From either world, when you rapidly rise or descend to this dimension of reality, your blood pressure will rapidly decrease and cause bubbles in your blood vessel that may cause obstruction and in some bad cases lead to death.  When the deep-sea fish comes up to the upper-sea, it dies because of this same reason.

According to my revelation, because the sunspot is increasing every month, the electro-magnetic waves from the sun will eventually create similar symptom as the caisson disease. Instead of coming out from the ocean, it will be coming from the sky (the sun).  We might suffer from caisson disease just by standing on earth.

When I was researching about the caisson disease, I found out that the symptoms are much like the general malaise. General malaise is increasing every year today and the causes are uncertain.

The symptoms are: 1. itchiness or sudden rash on the skin. Some kind of marks appearing on the skin. 2. Pain or discomfort in the joint (arm or leg). Sudden pain on joint of a finger.  3. Discomfort or pain in the heart. 4. Dizziness, decrease in eyesight or consciousness. Heaviness or numbness on the lower half of ones body. 

From now on, there will be many people who suffer from these symptoms. I simply hope that when people start to feel these symptoms in their own body that they would stop going to fee charging healers and religious gatherings. It will only make it worse.

In fact these symptoms are starting from the fee charging so called sensei (thought to be a master healer). Starting from this year, I have heard many of them disappearing (dead) caused by heart attack, cancer, accidents.. etc. Please do be careful. Through the strong electro-magnetic waves from the sun, the spiritual filth/grime would react the most toward the divine energy. 
So what should we do when we experience these symptoms?  First of all, go to a hospital and have your blood tested and any other necessary parts examined. In most cases, the test results will come out with no problem. Then please be at ease. And do:

1. Send gratitude kuyō towards ancestral spirits, send gratitude to Amaterasu-ohomikami (Sun Goddess). Visit Ise Jingu if you live in Japan.

2. Drink 2 liters of warm water (about the same as your body temperature) daily with a pinch of sea salt in every cup (apprx. 250cc) you drink. Depending on your diet, adjust the amount of salt. Make sure you take enough salt especially during the hot summer. Fatigue could worsen the symptom.

3. Do Ryman style exercise (introduced on blog date: April 11th) and Ryman style Harai (introduced on blog date: August 4th). It is important to make it a habit. Its better to do it every day just for 15 minutes than doing it few times a week. This will stabilize your blood stream and prepare to adapt towards the spiritual caisson disease symptoms.

4. Try to breath deeply from your stomach in your daily life. If you are already suffering from the symptoms try to take it easy. Dont worry and try to do these exercises in your comfortable pace.  You will get better.

Once you clear these symptoms, your body will start to feel very light and invigorating. This morning, once again, I felt very light and exhilarating. If I continue to do this, I might be actually floating one day (laugh). We are borrowing this body from god. Each and one of us have the responsibility to take care of it. When we succeed in doing so, our consciousness reaches the root god and one day, we will all suddenly ascent to the next level of consciousness. I am so looking forward to that day to come.

Ikashite-itadaite arigato-gozaimasu
Thank you for letting us live

I would like to spread the Gratitude Awareness towards ancestral spirits and everything around you so 5% of the world population will start acting on it on a daily basis.

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