Friday, December 3, 2010

A hint to a healthy life

(written Nov.28th)

    This morning, the very end part of Ooharae-no-kotoba, the Grand Purification Norito Chant came to me. This norito is the only one that has a righteous vibrational energy translated into Japanese from shinkai, the World of the Gods.

「”早川の瀬”に坐す瀬織津比売(せおりつひめ)と言ふ神 大海原に持出でなむ 此く持ち出で”往なば”  荒潮の潮の八百道の八潮道の潮の八百曾に坐す速開都比売(はやあきつひめ)と言ふ神 持ち”加加呑みてむ”  此く加加呑みてば 息吹戸に坐す息吹戸主(いぶきどぬし)と言ふ神 根国底国に息吹”放ちてむ” 此く息吹放ちてば 根国底国に坐す速佐須良比売(はやさすらひめ)と言ふ神 持ち佐須良比失ひてむ 此く佐須良比失ひてば 罪と言ふ罪は在らじと 祓へ給ひ清め給ふ

   The four red words are the names of the four deities who are the Haraedo-no-ookami, The Four Gods of Purification.  The names are Seoritsu-hime (sun deity), Hayaakitsu-hime (moon diety), Ibukido-nushi (fire deity) and Hayasasura-hime (water deity). In the past, I have explained the hidden meanings of this norito. But this morning, I received a revelation of another hidden meaning.

    The four deities and the sentences that go with them are showing the four steps of digestive function on a human body. By consciously using these four steps properly, one could purify his/her body and mind and perform a healthy life. 

First comes the sun deity who represents a normal blood flow. The sentence says, the flow of the river is running fast (早川の瀬). This means that the blood stream is running fast = normal. The second blue word 往なば(inaba) and the rest of the sentence is explaining, once you have a proper fast blood flow then the next step of digestion is possible to take place. It is saying, without the proper blood flow, proper digestion is not possible.

   The third blue word, 加加呑みてむ(kakanomitemm) means absorbing through eating and drinking. And that is explained by using the moon deity. Only when the sun (normal blood flow) exists, the moon (nutrition absorption) can exist. It is metaphorically speaking about the digestive system (stomach and intestines).

   Next the fire deity (proper breathing) appears. It is talking about the necessity of proper breathing when the moon (nutrition absorption) is in action. It means, after a meal, in order to have proper digestion, a deep abdominal breathing is needed. The fourth blue word 放ちてむ (hanachitemm) is signifying that within the deep abdominal breathing, the breathing out is more important.

   When these steps are taken properly, the forth deity, Hayasasura-hime (water) will run the path smoothly. Hayasasura-hime (water) is a derivative of Susanoo and he shall take away all illness. 

1. Normal blood flow is essential. In order to have a normal blood flow, take distilled water all day (about 2L) and do enough light exercise daily.

2. In the norito, it says 荒潮(arajio = sea salt)の潮”. This means in the distilled water add a tint of sea salt. This is also important.

3. When you breath, be more conscious of the breathing out. Breath out twice as much than breathing in.

Our body is the vessel that holds our innate god = soul. We must take good care of it.

The date of the creation of norito chant, Ooharae-no-kotoba, is not certain but appears on a document as early as 676AD.

Ikashite-itadaite arigato-gozaimasu
Thank you for letting us live

I would like to spread the Gratitude Awareness towards ancestral spirits and everything around us so 5% of the world population will start acting on it on a daily basis.

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