Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mappo is the shinning Era of the Future

Mappo-末法, or The Latter Day of the Law, is one of the Three Ages of Buddhism. First phase (Age of Shoubou 正法), which lasts 1,000 years (some say 500 years) following the death of the Gautama Buddha. Second phase (Age of Zoubou 像法), which lasts 1,000 years; during this period the practice of the Law begins to deteriorate. Also called the "Age of Copied Law" or the "Age of the Imitation Law. Last phase (the Age of Mappo 末法), which lasts 10,000 years; during this period, the practice of the Law declines until no one follows the Buddhist tenets; also called the "Age of the Decline of the Law." Some people in the Middle Ages interpreted as “the end of the world”, but it only signifies the decline of Buddhism. It is only predicting that as the time goes by, Buddhism will no longer work. It does not indicate cataclysm or any arrival of negative conditions in the world. Therefore, Mappo does not imply “the end of the world.” (from a free dictionary)

I sense that this is one of the very few prophecies Buddha had actually predicted. The calculation of the years would match as Mappo being this present era. I feel that Buddha meant, not only Buddhism, but the end of all forms of religions that is ran by organizations or gatherings.

Today, the environment of earth magnetic field is dramatically changing. There is a very close relationship between the spirit-part of human and the magnetic field. Until now, the environment of earth magnetic field has changed, and the religious rituals and incantations that worked before are loosing its practical power. Some may even start to work negatively. From now on, meditation techniques, incantations, the ideas people thought as divine power that was bought and sold with money, and anything that lead people to depend on spiritual power outside of oneself will cause a decline of one’s level of spirit-self.

However, there are some ideas in religious teachings that will still be effective. For example, the Buddhist teaching taught by Dōgen. He taught that one will see the light by devoting and simply focusing on doing the daily works such as house cleaning, cooking, farming or family business. This idea will still be effective. I would say this kind of work is a “meditation with eyes open.” This will lead to the path of innate god. It is more important to do the work that is in front of you with your eyes open, than the regular sitting meditation.

Ancestral worship is the same. It is always best to send gratitude by yourself. If you do it under an organization and letting the leader pray for you, it will not properly reach to your ancestors. The “color” of the leader is different from your own “color”. Your ancestors will not appreciate the difference of the colors. Even doing any kind of volunteer work is the same. It has to come from “your own will”. If someone else or an organization forced you to do it, it doesn’t have the same meaning.

This can be related to the Divine Revelation received from the Future God of the Sun by Aleister Crowley, The Great Beast. When he was traveling in Egypt, on April 8th, 1904, he received the revelation “Do what thou wilt”. This Great Beast is the seventh dimension derivative of Susanoo.

Mappo is about releasing all the spirit’s magic chains. It is the beginning of the century where humans will become one with their own innate god.

“Do what thou conscience (innate god) wilt!”
- by Ryman-Ise-Hakusan-Do
This is the way of kannagara….

Ikashite-itadaite Arigato-gozaimasu

Thank you for letting us live

1 comment:

Pedro Teixeira da Mota. said...

Strong teaching: Mappo as the releasing of binding chains: "From now on, meditation techniques, incantations, the ideas people thought as divine power that was bought and sold with money, and anything that lead people to depend on spiritual power outside of oneself will cause a decline of one’s level of spirit-self." ... Ikashite-itadaite Arigato-gozaimasu