Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Visiting God of Amatsu - part 1

One day in February,  I made a day trip to Chiba Prefecture to pay a visit  to God of Amatsu (天津の神 Amatsu-no-kami ) at Amano-hitsuku Shrine (天之日津久神社).

Including the train ride and the airplane ride, it only took few hours from where I live. This is only half the time compared to going to The Grand Shrine of Ise by car from my home. I was able to use my PC to reply to my blog readers' comments during the travel. No one knew I was actually making this trip. (laugh)

The day before this trip, as I entered the room where the kami-dana altar is as my daily practice to change the water of the sakaki leaves, I noticed that the shape of the bundled sakaki leaves had changed. 

Like this family crescent called "mitsuba-kashiwa", the bundle of leaves where 
separated in three parts. (It is not my families' crescent)

Compared to the right side, it has spread out in twice the size. This could not have been done by human. This has never ever happened. It proves the power of the god that I am about to visit is in full and I was in owe.

This photo was taken on the 28th of February. Many days has passed since the first day the leaves had changed its shape and now it is spreading out more. But you can still see how it was like a 
"mitsuba-kashiwa."  Originally it was bundled up tightly like the right side. But on the day before I was paying a visit to the shrine of God Amatsu, the leaves separated beautifully in three parts. 

By the way, I have been using this altar for about 30 years now. Recently, it is looking even more brighter than before.  T
o take a picture, I took off the "hiyorogi" which is used for the god spirits to dwell. This is the first time I am showing this on my blog. The below drawing is what the "hiyorogi" looks like. 

As I reached the airport, I was greeted by a person who is supporting me in the publishing (this person is not from the publisher). I told this person about what had happened to the sakaki of my altar. Then this person told me the same thing had happened in his altar as well. This proves that we were both invited. It was a very significant sign from the God of Amatsu.

We got on a taxi from a near by train station. We reached the right front side parking space of the shrine. From the front window of the taxi, I could see the fence of the shrine and the forest behind it. In that moment, through my psychic vision, I saw a giant spirit. It was so large like I have never seen before, and it made me a little hesitant to get out of the taxi. 

to be continued.

Ikashite-itadaite Arigato-gozaimasu
Thank you for letting us live

生かして頂いて ありがとう御座位ます

written on 2.28.2015

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