Monday, July 21, 2008

Sending gratitude to your ancestors

The necessity to send gratitude towards ancestors

In living a life, people say, some are just lucky and some are just unlucky. But sometimes, even this theory doesn’t seem to work.

The cause has much to do with the influence from your ancestral spirits.

In order for a human to be born to this world of reality, there are fatal causes. When the right time comes, with the help of an Ubusuna-kami( A regional god that leads a soul into the unborn baby. One’s own Ubusuna-kami could be found usually in a shrine near to the hospital you were born. ), your soul unites with your innate god. After the unification, the adequate country is determined and to which family the fleshly body should be born. This person who is a unification of a “personal soul” and an “innate god” is born to a “family” in relation to past life connection. Because you have chosen this family connection, you must express respect by sending a heart full of gratitude. Since the beginning of time, whatever your ancestors where doing, they kept the blood running for a long, long time. This is how you are able to have a body to live in. If you cannot recognize and send respect to your ancestors, it means you are in self-denial. Your “luck” gets thinner.

Once you are born to this world and attain a life, you must continue to send gratitude to your ancestors for the rest of your life. By doing so, you are finally standing on the start line. There are still a lot of people out there unsteady like a leaf on the ground, and not yet standing on the start line of their life.

"Ikashite-Itadaite Arigato-Gozaimasu." "Thank you for letting us live."


Pedro Teixeira da Mota. said...

Salutations. This part: "When the right time comes, with the help of an Ubusuna-kami( A regional god that leads a soul into the unborn baby. One’s own Ubusuna-kami could be found usually in a shrine near to the hospital you were born. ), your soul unites with your innate god. After the unification, the adequate country is determined and to which family the fleshly body should be born. This person who is a unification of a “personal soul” and an “innate god” is born to a “family” in relation to past life connection.:" ... is very original and subtle, and would merit a stronger explanation, if is possible...

Ikashite itadaite Arigatou gozaimasu

マータ said...

Not sure which part is unclear. But in other words, you choose your own family for certain purpose for this life. Your purpose is determined from what you have done in your past lives. Before you come into life again in a flesh, you are a spirit(personal soul). Innate god is the derivative of The Root God, the ultimate source and all innate gods are the same. Some maybe be bigger or emanating stronger light depending on how much you have done until now based on your good will. And when you come into a flesh again, through a certain family line, at this point you(soul) will be united again with The Root god (once in the flesh it will be called innate god). The Ubusuna-kami helps you through this process.

Hope this helps.